LANA (Lukács Archívum Nemzetközi Alapítvány/ Lukács Archive International Foundation) has been founded in 2016 by university professors, the editors of the journal Eszmélet and the former employees of the Lukács Archive as a reaction to the decision of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) to close down the archive. LANA’s founders were encouraged by the international wave of protests against the Academy’s decision. As a consequence of such protests, the Academy gave up the plan to immediately dissolve the Archive. Nevertheless the future of the collection is uncertain: at the moment it is closed and it is improbable that the Academy would allow its reopening in its original function as a place of research and as the forum of the international research on Lukács. LANA, on the contrary, aims to restore the Archive in its original form, as the place of Lukács’s library and manuscripts and a place of scholarly research. Consequently, beyond continuous negotiations with the Academy, relying on the support of numerous institutions and individuals who have stood up for the archive, LANA is going to launch and help scholarly and publication projects as a continuation of the work the Archive was doing as long as it could.